Bella Rolland

PornStar Bella Rolland US

Bio: Bella Rolland started out as a model, but as modelling wouldn't pay her bills, she decided to make change and get into the adult industry. She is 1.83 m, and in the beginning it was a bit tricky for her to get jobs, as many agencies would tell her that being tall is a good thing in this industry. Since then, she proved she is worth it and she can suck cock like a pro, so she is getting a lot of jobs. Some secrets about her: she masturbates at least once a day and when a guy pops, she loves for him to do it on her tits.
pays: United States
Cité: Sacramento
Anniversaire: 11 July, 1994
Vue totale de la vidéo: 858K
Vidéos: 149
catégories: Beauté, Hardcore, Lesbienne

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